To my sisters.

This chrysalis is called ‘to my sisters’ because it is dedicated to women all across the world. I wanted to try to capture as many skin colours and tones as possible, as well as all the textures of our skin: cellulite and freckles, rough skin and folds, birthmarks and curves. Beautiful details that have been deemed imperfect and undesirable.

These cultural messages we receive (among many others) distracts us and diminishes our focus and power. We are stronger together and weakened by listening to these messages of fear and inadequacy.

So I dedicate this work to all the young girls and women denied an education. Women denied rights over their bodies, women who are shamed for their bodies and aging, women who are scared to walk home at night. This is for you.

As with all the chrysalis I have placed an object inside the cavity. Inside this one I have a written a letter to all the women and girls across the world. I chose red paper to symbolise our hearts. It says:

To my sisters.
I think of you all the time.
I hope that you have power.
I hope that you have freedom.
I hope that you have peace.
I hope that you are safe, from your first breath to your last.